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This week's focus: Grit

Grit is having passion and perseverance for long-term goals. It isn't about talent, luck, or wanting something really bad. It's is about having a goal you want to achieve so badly that you'll do anything to achieve it.

Why is it important to have grit? With grit you never give up - regardless if you fail or times get tough. Remind yourself you will get to your destination eventually. Grit is having courage and determination in the face of adversity. Having grit is also closely linked with academic and professional success!

You may be asking, how can I help my students practice and develop grit? While we are working with your students on the field to help develop their grit, you can help them strengthen their character and build courage, by introducing them to the activities on the attached flyer. Please forward this email to your teachers and parents for information and activities related to grit.


This week, you may see our coaches playing these games:

Color Corner

Lawn Bowling